Each year we produce a School Improvement Plan (SIP) which shows what we want to achieve during the year and how we plan to do it.
We use information from the pupil and parent questionnaires, data from test results and information from self-evaluation to make decisions about what should go on the plan.
At the start of the year, staff and governors meet to look at all the information gathered and suggest actions and targets for the plan. This is then written by the Senior Leadership Team and agreed by staff and governors. Pupils and parents are made aware of what the school priorities are.
Throughout the year the plan is reviewed to ensure we are on track to meet our targets.
School Priorities for 2024/25
- School Improvement Priorities – 2024/25
School Priorities for 2023/24
- School Improvement Priorities – 2023/24
School Priorities for 2022/23
This year our targets are:
- To ensure all children achieve national outcomes in Reading, Writing and Maths which is driven by a consistent culture of reading for learning and for pleasure.
- To have positive relationships with our families to ensure children attend school regularly, are well behaved and are fully supported in all areas of their well-being.
- To further develop our Mastery Curriculum in Maths and begin to identify opportunities of a Mastery Curriculum in all other areas of our curriculum.
School Priorities for 2021/22
This year our targets are:
- Achieve national outcomes for all of our pupils.
- Focus on mental health and well being across the school community.
- Effective teaching for learning by supporting staff professional development.
School Priorities for 2019/20
This year our targets are:
- Continue to have a clear focus on high expectations across English, Maths and the wider curriculum.
- Identify that our whole curriculum shows sequential learning and progress.
- Ensure that pupil and staff well being has a high priority.
- Positive engagement with parents and the community resulting in confident pupil voice.
School Priorities for 2018/19
This year our targets are:
- Children to continue to achieve the national expectations in Reading, Writing, Maths, Phonics and GLD in EYFS.
- 85% of pupils to achieve age related expectations in foundation subjects, with cross curricular links evident.
- Gold award for Philosophy for Children (P4C) achieved linked to pupil well being.
School Priorities for 2017/18
This year our targets are:
- Raise standards across school for more pupils to achieve Age Related Expectations in English and Maths.
- Ensure effective tracking of foundation subjects so that 80% of pupils are at Age Related Expectations.
- Achieve Silver Philosophy for Children Award to impact on personal development.
School Priorities for 2016/17
This year our targets are:
- To ensure all children consistently achieve high quality learning across the curriculum, to increase the percentage of pupils at Age Related Expectations (ARE) in each year group.
- To raise standards in maths across the school.
- To introduce Philosophy for Children (P4C) and monitor the impact.
- To ensure our data system is robust, fit for purpose and driving school improvement through targeted interventions.
School Priorities for 2015/16
This year our targets are:
- To ensure all children consistently achieve high-quality learning across the curriculum, driven by high-quality teaching.
- To implement the use of Classroom Monitor to document assessment accurately and reflect new curriculum.
- To ensure planning is a working document informed by assessment that is time effective and accessible for pupils in developing learning.
School Priorities for 2014/15
This year our targets are:
- Pupils have the opportunity to read widely and on a daily basis across all subjects to a high standard.
- To prepare a system where children’s learning and progress is documented accurately to reflect the new curriculum.
- To enable all pupils to reach their potential in all areas of development through targeted early intervention.
School Priorities for 2013/14
This year our targets are:
- All year groups to meet and exceed National Expectations.
- Learning will be personalised and targeted to meet the individual needs of all pupils.
- We will get ready for the new curriculum which will begin in September 2014.
School Priorities for 2012/13
This year our targets are:
- Parents and carers will be involved in pupils’ learning.
- All stakeholders will be aware of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural curriculum.
- All pupils will reach the levels expected of them nationally.
School Priorities for 2011/12
Our school priorities always focus on continuing year on year improvement for the pupils who attend our school. This year our targets are:
- Attendance to be above 95%.
- Our teachers will help us get better and make progress with our learning.
- Our teachers will deliver ‘good’ lessons, so that ‘good’ learning takes place.
- We will follow the school rules, so that everyone can learn.