Contact Us
Please get in touch with us by any of the following methods. We are always pleased to hear from you. And if you have enjoyed your visit, please leave us a nice comment in our Guestbook.
New Hall Primary School
Langley Hall Drive
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
B75 7NQ
Telephone Number
0121 464 5170
Mrs L Card, Pastoral Manager – for enquiries from parents and the public
Mrs B Breedon, Headteacher
Mrs K Hemming, Deputy Headteacher
Mrs K McElroy-Stringer, Assistant Headteacher/SENCO
Mrs C Cahm and Mrs S Nissen, Co-Chairs of Governors
Please make contact via the school telephone number. To write to our Chair of Governors, please send your letter to the school address above and mark the envelope ‘confidential’.
For further information or to request any information in paper format, please contact us at school. Note that information published on this website can be supplied on paper free of charge, whereas other documents may incur a charge (see our Publications Scheme for details).