New Hall Primary School
New Hall Primary School: Love to Learn


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Previous Guestbook Comments

I miss this school so much last year i was in year 6 miss Thomas class i just wish i could have one more day at this school. The sad thing is i didn’t even get to say goodbye to most of my friends if anyone reading this knows who i am from this school i miss you.

Rating: Excellent

Wade Rose

16 Dec 2022

Congratulations on your new website.  It’s really great!

Rating: Very Good

Lisa Johnston

06 Jun 2021

I actually miss this school, I was a part of the 2012 year 6 class, Team Roberts I recall. I’ve was with the school beginning nursery – back when it was based on Woodington Road, having to walk up to where to the school is now just to go swimming – right up until year 6. This website still has pictures from my class on here and I’ve found some of me, so I rate this website highly. I’m not going to lie, I miss the teachers too, I’d like a reunion to come back and see them all again. I was voted house captain of Powell, thanks to Miss Wood assisting me in my speech. This school is prodigious and amazing.

Rating: Excellent

Tristram Jarrett

08 Nov 2019

I just wanted to feedback how happy I am with Eden’s progress so far in reception (Team Carpenter). She absolutely loves going to school and will make comments like “today we investigated how raisins move differently in water and fizzy pop” and “when we go back next term we are going to learn about digraphs” So impressed! Not only can I see the progress she is making everyday but she is having so much fun with things like dress up day, movie night, trips etc. Thank you for making her first term so special!

Rating: Excellent

Amber Weir

10 Jan 2019

I have just attended “Grandparents Lunch” with my Granddaughter – What a lovely idea – she enjoyed showing me round – It has been quite a few years since I have been inside the school and what a massive change – very impressive ! The food was excellent and everyone was very welcoming. Thank you.

Rating: Excellent

Debbie Ison

14 Jun 2017

This school is absolutely amazing! The teachers are more than encouraging and the pupils needs are always first priority! I am so proud to wear the New Hall logo on my uniform and I am so sad to be leaving this school after an amazing 6 years of my life! Becoming House Captain was such an achievement as I have been waiting and waiting to get that responsibility to represent New Hall! Well done for the future New Hall!

Rating: Excellent

Laura Riddy

08 Dec 2015

I love this website and also Love our school. I am so proud of Mrs Hank’s and everyone who helped to put this website together. I am so sad that this is my last year here but I will never forget Newhall primary and children’s centre.

Rating: Excellent

Alex Reid

28 Sep 2015

Thank you to Mrs. Hanks for her guided tour of the school, where we saw the children working very hard in their different maths groups.The children were settled, polite and well behaved – as usual. All staff [non-teaching and teaching] were so welcoming, and friendly. I enjoyed attending the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Harvest services led by Deacon Linda and watched by many proud parents who were tapping their feet to the fantastic music. At Parents Evening it was repeatedly said how much children enjoy coming to Newhall and how the parents really appreciate the caring and pro-active approach staff have towards children and parents, especially newcomers to the country and the school.

Rating: Excellent

Mrs Theresa Hyde

18 Oct 2013

I have been to this primary and i loved it and i miss it. I loved the teachers and miss the teachers.

Rating: Excellent

Roxanne Kivlis

15 Jul 2013

I have missed this school for the past 7 months or so and it is an encouraging school and it’s so inspiring. I am so happy that I got to spend 3 years at that school and the teachers are excellent and they never let you down and there always there to help, so if you need a school for your child this is defiantly the place to go. Miss this school.

Rating: Excellent

Abbygayle Williams

23 Jan 2013

This website is brilliant, I havent looked at it for a long time and it has certainly had a facelift! Much easier to use and very eye catching.

Rating: Excellent

Lynne Horton

04 Dec 2012

The NewHall website is fantastic and i am so proud that I spent my last 2 years of primary school there. the teachers are more than incouraging, the pupils are well behaved and any child at NewHall should feel so proud to wear the New Hall Logo and uniform. Best Wishes for the 2013 year 6 class!

Rating: Excellent

Tia Cartwright

12 Aug 2012

This website is great because of all the different colours.

Rating: Excellent

Jessica Fort

23 Jul 2012

This website is amazing and i am going to miss this school very much you have helped me with everything.

Rating: Excellent

Kaci Dawes

21 Jul 2012

I love this new web site and I hope it get some great comments.

Rating: Excellent

Tommy Weaver

29 May 2012

It’s easy to get on websites that you have forgot the name of. It looks smart.

Rating: Excellent

Courtney Connor

29 May 2012

I love the new website it is so useful. also my friends think that it has improved so much and much better than the old one. futhermore easier to find information and you can know whats going on at school.

Rating: Excellent

Haliima Makaran

29 May 2012

I love this website. It is bright and has got lots of good infomation about our wonderful school!

Rating: Excellent

Charlotte Cooper

29 May 2012

Very good and easy to understand. It also is very colourful. Plus, gives us a lot of information.

Rating: Excellent

William Rhodes

29 May 2012

The school has really inproved over the last year or so and i have been her all my life nearly so i just want to say thank you for making this website about our school.

Rating: Excellent

Ellie Mai Hadley

29 May 2012

This website is brilliant.

Rating: Excellent

Jamie Field

24 May 2012

The website is really good and it has inproved.

Rating: Excellent

Jordan Tattam

23 May 2012

Very useful website – especially the policies for new employees!

Rating: Excellent

Jo Parfect

21 Mar 2012

Have attended the baby massage sessions with Sarah and both my baby, James and myself really enjoyed it. Great way to meet other mums too. Attended the new mums afternoon today too. Lovely friendly atmosphere and my toddler, George really enjoyed playing with all the lovely toys too. Thank you to Sarah again!

Rating: Excellent

Lauren Bradshaw

29 Feb 2012

I love this website lovely and coulorfull and i like the whos who bit best. a massive effort has been put it to this perfect website and all the pictures are brill.

Rating: Excellent

Courtney Clarke

25 Feb 2012

Brilliant website. User friendly and lovely and colourful. Everything you need to know about the school and more. Well done New Hall!

Rating: Excellent

Di Sylvester

09 Feb 2012

I love the new website. I feel it really reflects the exciting and welcoming environment that the school offers the pupils and families.

Rating: Excellent

Fiona Hill

09 Feb 2012

What a refreshing website! Gold star for all the effort put into creating it.

Rating: Excellent

Mrs Hodgkinson

06 Feb 2012

Great new website. I feel in this technically driven world a good website in vital in communicating. This website does just that, I now feel more involved and more updated with my child’s school life.

Rating: Excellent

Miss S Clarke

29 Jan 2012

I really like it. I loved my picture its the best website.

Rating: Excellent

Halle and Miah

25 Jan 2012

I enjoyed your website.

Rating: Excellent

Grade Kennedy

25 Jan 2012

The new website is much more user friendly than the old one and easier to find information.

Rating: Excellent

Michelle Rhodes

25 Jan 2012